Saturday 25 February 2012

Hannah practice shoot

Wedding Portriats

Shown below are a few of the shots that I took from my practice wedding shoot all taken in the college studio. All shots taken with a Canon 7D camera and most taken with a Canon 1.8 50mm lens.

Friday 10 February 2012

Alumni Photo shoot

A colleague of mine and Level 4 classmate Rob Brittle and I have been approached by the organisation "Alumni" to provide a photography shoot for the PR and marketing of their business. Alumni is a nationwide organisation which is setup within college's and university's to help student's to keep in touch and network with each other after their study's have been completed.The Burton & South Derbyshire Alumni & Supporters Association (ASA) is a new initiative designed to support students, past, present and future and is currently looking for new members to join it's organisation

The organisation is hosting a presentation evening next week within Burton college. The event will be held on Mon 30th Jan at the Mullberry Restaurant and they would like Rob and Myself  to photograph the whole event which starts at 5pm and finishes approx 7pm

There will be a canapé reception to enable guests to mingle with each other which will then lead onto presentation awards to various students which will be presented by various sponsors and company directors

We have agreed one of us will take all of the formals and the 2nd photographer will produce less formal more candid shots of the event. This should ensure we will be covering all of the shots required given to us in the brief

Initially we arranged a meeting with event co-coordinator Kerry Wilkinson who gave us an outline of what "Alumni" was all about outlined a brief of the photography required for the shoot:

Shown below is a copy of the brief, I have omitted names for obvious reasons

"I think we are all set for the Alumni Launch. I am in process of pulling together an Itinerary for the event.

I think the key photos are:

Presentation of Bursary Fund to students
Executive Manager of Blue Arrow (our first partner) – ........................
........................ Hosting the Event
....................... talking about the Alumni
Governors and Fellow

We would like as many photos of different groups of people as possible as I have had a few press release offers and this is dependant on the types of pics we get. Could I ask you to collect names of the people you are taking pictures of as well?

Any questions, please let me know. I will include you when I send the Itinerary! Thanks guys, looking forward to it and getting some photos in press!"

Alumni & Supporters Association Launch

Monday 30th January 2012
Mulberry Restaurant

·      4:45pm
-       .................    ................ and ..................... to come to the Mulberry Restaurant. Kerry to issue name badges and show presentation area etc.

·      5:00pm- 5:20pm
-       Arrival of guests. Sign in at main reception.
-       ...........on reception directing guests to relevant sign in area
-       .......... and ........... to issue name badges and show guests the Alumni reception board.
-        ..............and.............. (Student Helpers) escort guests to Mulberry Restaurant
-       ..........   ........... ........... and ........... to meet guests in Mulberry Restaurant.
-       Once have all arrived, ...... to begin presentation.

·      5:20pm – 5:35pm
-       ....... to host event, speak about the alumni and the benefits including Rationale behind developing the Alumni, key objectives and how you can get involved.
-        Introduce ....... ......... – hand over microphone in presentation area.

·      5:35pm-5:45pm
-       ................    ............... to discuss Alumni & Supporters Association from College perspective and how this benefits the students and local businesses/supporters
-       Hand microphone back to Dave when finished Speech.
-       ................ will introduce .........  ........... Executive Manager of Blue Arrow.

·      5:45- 5:50
-       .........  ........... – how he is happy to be part of the process and what joining the alumni means to Blue Arrow and the students.
-        Once he has finished speech, .......... to stay in presentation area whilst ......... and ....... join him with bursary fund ‘Stage’ cheques. Dave to explain how the bursary fund will bwenefit the students

·      5:50 – 6:00pm
-        Presentation of Bursary Fund to students .........   ......... and .........  ..............
-        Photos to be taken by Steve and Robert.
-       Everyone to leave presentation area except ........
-        .............. to announce enjoy yourself and who to talk to for more information.

·      6:00pm  – 6:45pm  Guests enjoy Food, student work displays, network, Kerry and/or staff to hand out postcards with how to get in touch and support the Alumni  

·      6:45pm Escort guests out

Staff Helping

............. ...............





Meet & Greet

Meet & Greet


We arrived at the Mulberry Restaurant to a canapé reception which was very warm and inviting

Rob and I attended the event but made sure we were there early enough to carry out some lighting checks and work out the positioning of the our subject's which we were to photograph.

I find pre planning like this is essential as there are no second chances. We used canon cameras (A 7D and 1D) for all of the shots both using wide angled zooms lenses to accommodate close ups of groups of people.We used a variety of different Canon flash guns on the evening and most of the shots were taken using a bounce flash technique where the actual flash illumination is bounced of walls and ceilings,this has the effect of softening the light which produces a much softer image with even lighting. Shooting the flash directly at your subject is not recommended as it produces much harsher images and also creates unwanted shadows

Shown below are a couple of images from the shoot

The images from the shoot will be published on different websites and featured in books and advertising media to promote and highlight the organisation and it's business business

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Mac Apps

Tilt and shift

Just a little blog on all the different Apps you can buy or download for free from the App store There are hundreds of photography Apps available here, some a little naff and some quite surprisingly good

I downloaded one of them for £15.00, it does Tilt and shift, textures, old grunge etc.

Shown here is an effort at "Tilt and Shift" using the software,really easy to use with just a couple of mouse clicks. Don't ya just love technology  :-))
