Monday 26 November 2012

Photograph Release Form

Photograph Release Form

I recently completed the photography of a local wedding where the bride and groom wanted only images of their special day producing on a DVD

I reluctantly agreed to shoot the photography with this arrangement but I needed the work to finance the initial startup costs of a business
The couple  didn't want the photographer to supply any albums,photobooks or printed images of their wedding and only wanted to reproduce their own output from their images
using mainly printed media

I did explain that the photographer is the author/creator of the images who is the legal owner of the images and they remain the property of the photographer. Permission to use or reproduce the photographers/images can be arranged at the discretion of the photographer who must grant their permission 

I am not really in favour of this kind of arrangement as it means the photographer is in theory giving away part of his or her business or livelihood

Most phtographers are reluctant to provide images to DVD as this process is detrimental to their business's with loss lost potential earnings from resales of their images

Shown below is a form that I compiled which granted the wedding couple certain permissions to reproduce my images:

Photograph Copyright Release

Photographer's Name: _____________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________



Telephone: __________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________

The above named Photographer hereby warrants being the legal copyright owner of the Work described below:

The Photographer hereby grants permission to ___________________________________ and his/her/their Photo Laboratory of choice to make reproductions of the Work in any size or quantity for the following use:

Photographer's Signature: _______________________________

Date: ________________

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