Saturday 10 December 2011

Marketing tools for a photography business

Marketing and publicity of your business are very important and are of paramount importance to promote your products and advertise your business. A photography website is an absolute must for any business to succeed  in this age of technology and the internet. This is the number one marketing tool which can advertise your business globally. It is therefor imperative to get first impressions right,right from the outset. 

It is essential to produce a very impressive website of a very high standard with nothing but your very best images included if you want to generate new business and customers. The site has to hold the viewers attention at the first view, load quickly and to sell your product right from the first instance. It's critical that your home page is very well thought out which captivates potential customers and keeps their interest

My view is to use minimalist content which oozes quality but will keep your potential customers interested,wouldn't recommend adding sound to the site as this slows down loading times and can be very annoying to potential customers.First Impressions count and potential customers will move off your site if it does not produce that initial impact

Prices vary to produce a website from a few hundred to thousands of pounds. Initial costs can soon escalate  as a successful site has to have it's content updated on a regular basis

This grab below shows the homepage from world renown wedding photographer Yervant, again it appears minimalist but also shows a contemporary quality design quality. This type of site would most probably have been designed by a professional web developer

The link below takes you to some of the world's best wedding photographers and their websites

The grabs below are all taken from one of the world's best wedding photographers Martin Shembri. His site shows minimal content but is of a very high standard which shows quality from the outset

The website below is a very low cost budget website of a local wedding photography business which has not been thought out very well. All of the content of this website is crammed onto the home page with little or no thought gone into the construction and initial homepage. The home page is very cluttered and appears very busy

The prices are very cheap and there will be certainly be a market for the lower end of the market

I do not wish to criticize any of the photography on these websites as I 'm sure the content is of the highest possible standard. I'm sure there are different markets available to suit everybody's budgets and you get what you pay for.This blog is intended to highlight the different standards of websites available and is not intended to defame any of the business's or photographers 

The link below shows some of the best photography websites on the net

Shown here are 35 of the most beautiful websites on the net

Sunday 4 December 2011

Portrait Textures

Shown here are some of my portrait textures which show what can be achieved using various blending, filter and layer techniques using the image manipulation software "Photoshop"

Shown here are a sample of my textures that I have photographed when I'm out at different locations around the country. I find stately homes,castles and old woods etc have provided me with an endless supply of textures

Autumn is a great time of the year to collect textures,there are so many colours, shapes and interesting objects to add to a collection

I have a large collection now of my own textures which I have amassed over the years. Shown here are  are just some of the ones I have incorporated into my textured work

I have captured the screen grabs shown here in the software "bridge" which show some of my catalogues of various textures

Saturday 3 December 2011

Photography Studio visit Sat 26th Nov

Status ongoing under construction

Today a group of level 4 students and I from Burton College visited a live working photography studio in the town of Belper about 20 miles away from Burton. The visit was setup and managed by our course tutor Steve Davies to provide us with a better understanding of how a photography business is run

The studio is run by professional Photogrpher and businessman Adrian Heapy a likeable 60 year old happy chappy with a passion for photography. Adrian has been in the industry for over 40 years and has a wealth of experience in this field. It has taken a lifetime to build up his business and enabled him to atay ahead of any rivalsAdrian made us all feel very welcome then proceeded to give us a tour studio and delivered talk on his business as we were escorted around this huge property

The studio itself is a very old GPO building converted into a very large photographic studio with a smaller additional studio and various other rooms that were used for image processing,offices and storage

The studio is very large and there are only a handful of studios outside of London which can cater for such large photography shoots. This is quite unique as there is little  competion able to copete for such large photography jobs of this nature for the niche phtogrphyThis is a boom for Belper a small former mill town and it's local economy as there are large amounts of people involved in these photography shoots who all need hotel accommodation, restaurants, pubs, shops etc to facilitate their visits

The studio itself was vast and is mainly used for large commercial photography shoots,including rooms, kitchens, furniture etc where set builds take place between shoots. On our visit a set was being built for a new furniture shoot that he was being commissioned to shootThe floor space was enormous and  numerous cars could be photographed inside the studio with room to spare.

So why did he bye the premises here? set in a small mill town in the amber valley on the edge of the peak district. "Location, Adrian said" It is set in a central location in the middle of the country which can be be accessed from the motorway network. The size of the premises was also another governing factor which persuaded him to buy the building, which allows very large photo shoots to be completed without the need to go out on location

The studio is equipped with very expensive lighting sets which Adrian has accumulated over the years

This shot shows the studio with Adrian (right) giving my fellow students a talk and guidance of the morning's visit

Another shot of just part of the massive studio

Shown here are just some of the various lighting sets Adrian has at his disposal, they vary in luminance from small modeling lights to very high end spot, strobe systems

Shown here is a shot of various dummies in a secondary smaller studio that adrian uses for modeling, portraiture,band poses etc 

Shown above here is the attic at Adrian's studio which shows the numerous props that he has accumulated over the years as a photographer. These props are used over  and over again for different shoots with various clients

This shot of Adrian shows some of his finished work that is presented in photo books that he has produced to promote his work and his business

A remarkable statement made by Adrian was that only 10% of the whole photography shoot time was apportioned to photography, the other 90 % was used up by management, planning, preparation, set building, marketing, advertising, office and paper work etc

Adrian stated that his business is all about quality and he produces nothing but the best high end quality photography for his customers.This ensures repeat orders from exciting customers which also keeps his customers ahead of their competition when it comes to marketing their products

The beauty about the studio and premises is they are very large

He likes to work along side company directors which he accommodates in a large office complex built into the roof of the premises. In this way he gets his directive straight from the hourses mouth instead of wasting value time and money working alongside various managers

Adrian say's the fresh face entrepreneurs straight out of university try to emulate his his work and compete with his business by using image manipulation software such as "Photoshop" He said, they try to cut corners and try to use the software to enhance their images but they cannot reproduce the actual quality and finished product that he can produce without using such enhancing techniques

The day gave me a broader understanding of how a photography business runs and gave me some good advice of how to prepare should I wish to pursue a business venture of my own in this field

A shot of our tutor Steve Davies preparing a health and safety brief which he explained to us all outlining safety do's and dont's along with fire evacuation points around the building

The visit was a little disappointing as there was no photography planned on the day we visited and no lighting setups which I hoped I would be able to learn from and document 

If there was to be a return visit to the studio would it be possible to visit when all the lighting is in place and the possibility of seeing some live shots taken? This would be far more educational to all students present to compound our knowledge and understanding of exposure/lighting techniques etc and to use image quality comparisons of high end commercial cameras compared with the top end consumer models that the majority of us use

The main Camera that Adrian uses for his work is a £64,000 Haselblad along with other Canon cameras

Shown below is a link to Adrian's website which highlights his skills and his products


Shown here are the search results that are returned when Adrian's name is entered into search engine"google" the biggest search engine in the world. As you can see from the results that a websisite is of paramount importance    ongoing