Saturday 10 December 2011

Marketing tools for a photography business

Marketing and publicity of your business are very important and are of paramount importance to promote your products and advertise your business. A photography website is an absolute must for any business to succeed  in this age of technology and the internet. This is the number one marketing tool which can advertise your business globally. It is therefor imperative to get first impressions right,right from the outset. 

It is essential to produce a very impressive website of a very high standard with nothing but your very best images included if you want to generate new business and customers. The site has to hold the viewers attention at the first view, load quickly and to sell your product right from the first instance. It's critical that your home page is very well thought out which captivates potential customers and keeps their interest

My view is to use minimalist content which oozes quality but will keep your potential customers interested,wouldn't recommend adding sound to the site as this slows down loading times and can be very annoying to potential customers.First Impressions count and potential customers will move off your site if it does not produce that initial impact

Prices vary to produce a website from a few hundred to thousands of pounds. Initial costs can soon escalate  as a successful site has to have it's content updated on a regular basis

This grab below shows the homepage from world renown wedding photographer Yervant, again it appears minimalist but also shows a contemporary quality design quality. This type of site would most probably have been designed by a professional web developer

The link below takes you to some of the world's best wedding photographers and their websites

The grabs below are all taken from one of the world's best wedding photographers Martin Shembri. His site shows minimal content but is of a very high standard which shows quality from the outset

The website below is a very low cost budget website of a local wedding photography business which has not been thought out very well. All of the content of this website is crammed onto the home page with little or no thought gone into the construction and initial homepage. The home page is very cluttered and appears very busy

The prices are very cheap and there will be certainly be a market for the lower end of the market

I do not wish to criticize any of the photography on these websites as I 'm sure the content is of the highest possible standard. I'm sure there are different markets available to suit everybody's budgets and you get what you pay for.This blog is intended to highlight the different standards of websites available and is not intended to defame any of the business's or photographers 

The link below shows some of the best photography websites on the net

Shown here are 35 of the most beautiful websites on the net

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Good work and the investigation and research into this area will give you a good indication on what you need to do to brand and advertise your work. Independent work is paramount on this course and taking ownership of the units you are studying. As we discussed its vital at level 4 that you do this and are not dependent on being spoon fed information
    You and Jim are approaching this very professionally and you self initiated work hasn't gone unnoticed, keep up the good work.

