Tuesday 8 May 2012

Magic Attic (Old images)Brewery Exhibition

I contacted a place in swadlincote called "The Magic Attic" that has archives of old images of Burton and its breweries. Shown below is the reply I received. It seems like we have to pay to receive copies of these old images which would have to be scanned from old glass plates etc


Many thanks for your enquiry.  Your email was unclear - are you intending to exhibit at the Town Hall or the Brewing Centre or both?

Indeed we have hundreds of these sorts of photos in our archives from 1890 onwards which would be suitable for your exhibition.  Many of these are from our collection of original glass plate negatives which we have been given or purchased and subsequently we have scanned them into our on-line database.

We are always willing to assist in these projects but we do have to be careful – in the past we have been let down and despite verbal agreements some of what we have supplied has made its way into the public domain and we have examples that some copies have been sold on Ebay.  Because of this we now supply all photo with a signed and legally binding contract regarding copies etc plus a prominent display on any exhibition board that the images have been supplied by The Magic Attic Archives.  We also charge a fee for supplying any copies and in some cases we may have to obtain the permission from the original supplier which can take a few days.

I would suggest that you visit the Attic (address and open times on the internet - www.magicatticarchives.org.uk ) on a Monday or Thursday evening when we are less busy to discuss your exact requirements and you can also see all the photos we have in our in-house database (not accessible via the internet). During the daytime when open we are exceptionally busy.

You may also like to try the Bass (Coors) museum who probably have their own collection.


Keith Foster
(Secretary / Trustee of The Magic Attic)

The Magic Attic - a Registered Charity that relies completely on donations from visitors and income from the sale     
of our items such as copies or photo copies.  We are run entirely by volunteers and without any financial assistance
from either the Burton Mail or any Local, District or County Council,  We have to make a charge for any quality
copies that we produce and have to make a charge for dedicated and requested research by our researchers.

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