Monday 21 May 2012

Alrewas wedding shoot

Under construction

I am in the process of producing some really nice images to use in promotional material and to include in a website to promote our wedding photography business.

A colleague of mine James Woodings and I are in the process of setting up a small part time wedding photography business shooting weddings at weekends in our spare time

We both have a passion for photography especially portraiture a field which we would really like to excel in and will endeavour to produce some really outstanding results

These are the first shots of a wedding model shoot that I planned at the weekend. Jim and I hired a local model for a few hours last saturday afternoon to shoot some wedding poses over at Alrewas church 

I pre planned the shoot with Amy weeks in advance and here is a list of preperations that I made to make the shoot a success

1- Advertise for a bride model to pose for wedding photography. I advertised on a national model agency website for models requiring time for prints but not many came forward. I eventually advertised that I would pay the models time which gave me a lot better response

2- Agree a fee for the models time and ask her to fill in a model release form

2- Send the model a brief of the photo shoot  agreeing on clothing, makeup and hair styles,times and locations. I sent the model a list of poses I wanted her to achieve

3- Source a location to shoot my images. I emailed local churches and vicar's asking for their permission to shoot photographs on their property. The vicar of this church was very obliging letting me shoot inside and outside of the church on this occasion. I gave the vicar a donation for his church for letting me use the property

4- Rechie the locations. It was imperative to familiarise myself with the locations I was going to shoot at so I went over to the church a couple of times before the shoot just to pre plan my poses beforhand in my mind

5- Pre check local weather forecasts. I new on this particular day it was going to be cold, overcast but with no rain,not ideal, but ok for a reasonable shoot using fill in flash

6- Health and Safety I had to consider my models safety for the shoot, making sure she was well looked after. The afternoon was very cold so I provided blankets and hot drinks to make the shoot more  comfortable for her. I carried out a risk assessment inside and outside the church making sure there were no trip hazards,trailing leads and cables from our lighting or slippery services that she would be walking on

7- Arrange a changing location for the bride to change outfits and put on makeup etc. I had spoken to the vicar of the church earlier and we were to use the church as a changing room

8- Shoot the images.  We hired Amy on an hourly basis so it was imperative to move on fast, shooting the images as quick as possible

The weather was cold and cloudy so the plan was to use lots of fill flash using our Canon 430 and Canon 530 flash units. Amy was our model a 21 year old from Burton

More to follow


These are the first shots of a wedding model shoot that I planned at the weekend. Jim and I hired a model for a few hours last saturday afternoon to shoot some wedding poses at Alrewas church. The weather was cold and cloudy. Amy was our model a 21 year old from Burton

More to follow

I used large apertures of F4 or 2.8 which helped me to isolate my subject from my backgrounds and produce the Bokah effect that I am looking for

My Model should not be laughing in the shot above it looks to false

Conclusion of the shoot. 

Overall I was pleased with some of the images and the model in question. I was a little disappointed with the models appearance as I asked her to pose with hair up and use a lot of make up but she appeared with hair down and very little makeup. She was a really nice girl, easy to work with and was fairly experienced at posing. I would definightly use here modelling services again

I need to up my game with the next model I use and will make sure I make the model look more glamorous in my end results. I know I can produce better images than the ones I have produced here and feel positive to move forward to the next level
The problem with these images, my model is posed ,looking at the camera and smiling,I need to start shooting more natural looking images and to move away from the posed shots

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty girl. The quality of the images needs to improve, detail lost in the images. For the top end of the business you need to improve the clarity of the images. A good start,but difficult as it was not her wedding and there is no "glow" that you get on the big day. Good practice though, better than I could do as I am not getting enough practice.
