Sunday 3 June 2012

Jordan Model shoot

 (Jordan) Male Model Shoot

Under construction

I was commissioned by a work colleague to photograph a relation of her family who has the potential and ambition and to become a male model. Jordan a 13 year old teenager shown here in the college studio is a trendy 13 year old guy with the good looks and the confidence to possibly make some money out of a modelling career.

I used the college Photography studio to produce the images and I worked to a brief which was to produce a set of images which would be good enough to send to model agencies and catalogue companies that require male models on their books
I was given a brief to photograph Jordan in a variety of different outfits ranging from football kits to casual wear in a variety of different poses 

I researched a variety of different model poses which I new would suit a 13 year old teenager,some of these are shown here below:

I used a variety of different lenses for the assignment but the main ones were a Canon 24-105 F4  L series and a Canon 50mm 1.4 usm

Jordan was very nervous at the beginning of the shoot and he found it hard to achieve certain poses which were required in the brief. I new I had to bond with him to form a repour and gain his confidence which would enable him to relax and feel at ease. I find chatting and joking with my subjects helps them to relax and feel at ease. After 20 mins or so behind the camera Jordan started to come out of his shell and I and eventually got the shots I was looking for. 

Shown on this blog are a few images from the shoot which I am quite pleased with. I used the combination of 4 Bowens studio heads with a combination of various soft boxes and beauty dishes to manipulate my lighting setups

I was trying to achieve a type of Butterfly/Paramount lighting which eliminates any shadows on the models face

I used a main modelling light with a soft defuser and a secondary soft box light under construction

Shown here is my studio setup.

The eyes of any portrait are the heart of the image and these have to be pin sharp. If you can include catchlights all the better. I deliberately included catchlights in Jordans eyes when I shot my images, adding catchlights to a subjects eyes gives them a sparkle which makes them stand out from the rest of the image

I used 1 single Af point through my camera view finder,this allowed me to position my focal point on the most critical point of the the image the eye

It's important to form a good rep

our with your subject and to gain their confidence
,showing the recorded images juring playback to my model helps to booste their confidence


  1. I think you have got something quite good here. A relaxed model and the lighting is very impassive and works well.Good portraits as well, as you can see his character.

  2. i think this company is using your images for scam. please check it
