Wednesday 3 October 2012

Photo Critique

How good is our photography? (Live Webinar)

Its important to let other people and fellow photographers view, critique and comment  our works, otherwise how do we know at what level our photography stands

We all have a one sided view of our own photography and it's very educational to hear differing views and opinions of the images we produce from external sources

I subscribe to a online Photography video training provider named "Phototraining4U"a company run by one of the country's best photographers " Mark Cleghorn"

When you subscribe to this site you gain access to over 1300 photography video's, the subjects range on all aspects of photography which are very educational to all levels of photography

Included in the subscription are live online webinars which you can view and take part in. Tonight there was a live webinar on"critiquing images",photographers sent in their own images for Mark to assess and show live on the webinar. This is a good way of finding out how good a photographer you really are and to ascertain what level you are at. Your work is judged by a top rated photographer and is marked from 5 different levels of standard

This is a great way to check out your progress as a photographer and to learn and amend some of the mistakes we are all constantly making

Shown here are some of the entries posted to the webinar by the keen photographers wanting their work scrutinised

These grabs are all taken from my mac when the webinar is in full swing, you can ask questions live to the photographer by posting your comments on the right hand side of the screen as shown here

Shown here are some of the my screen dumps of images that made the top 5 in this critique during the webinar. The image shown here was voted the best of the top 5

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