Thursday 27 September 2012

I think I'm in love again !!

Well this is my new baby a Canon 5d3 and I took her out for a test drive last weekend on a wedding shoot. Overall first impressions were very impressive it has loads of features but I never really had the time to use many of them so I will be putting it through it's paces over the coming weeks

I bought this camera for its low light capabilities especially as I will be photographing a lot of weddings so I needed a fast camera combined with a fast lens for dark church interiors

This camera fits the bill perfectly so I tried a few test shots in a really dark church interior and shown below are some of the results. I took the shot below at 25600 ISO and wow ! I can't hardly see any noise in the shot. This is a jpg straight out of the camera,no manipulation,nothing, just shot as seen and I'm pretty impressed

                                                     This is the metadata from the shot

A few more shots below which show some really fine detail with really rich colours from the stained glass windows of the church

When this Camara first came out I thought it was very expensive at £3000, however, the prices have now dropped down considerably and you can pickup one of these new models  for about £2000

There are still a lot of other features on this camera I need to test and will be trying these out over the coming weeks, I will update this blog later with my findings

If you shop around now you now can buy the canon 5d2 for £1150,an absolute bargain, which is also an excellent camera, I use one of these now for my backup camera and the results are amazing

I wanted full frame cameras for clarity with low noise and thats exactly what you get

If anybody wants to buy these cameras, get in touch and I'll show you where to buy at the lowest prices on the net

1 comment:

  1. Why would you be shooting in jpg at such a low ppi and in sRGB? You need to get out more, mate. x
