Wednesday 26 September 2012

Planned Wedding shoot 22nd Sept 2012

Well it's nice to be back on the scene again and yes I have some catching up to do but hey Iv'e got the buzz again. We didn't know if we would be continuing on the course but now that's all been sorted . It will be nice to catch up with you all again. Well Jim and I have been working in the background on our wedding photog business and we are busy building our website etc 

We are shooting tomorrow with a new model for some publicity shots for our website which we hope to launch in the spring when we hope everything will fall in place to place. 
Shown here is our model Helen who will be posing as a bride to be. I have been busy this week sourcing some nice locations, costumes, make up artists etc 

I hired my model from one of the top modding sites and arranged a Time for Prints session. I felt really sorry for Helen our model as she had lost her job last week so we chipped in a little dosh to help her out with her finances  

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