Tuesday 15 January 2013

SWPP Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers

Last Saturday I visited the the SWPP convention held at one of the biggest hotels in London theThe Hilton London Metropole Hotel ...

This is a 3 day photography convention and covers everything that a photographer needs to to help with setting up a business,keep them in touch with new trends,idea's and new quipment.  There are approximately 150 trade stands selling every kind of photographic products on the market.The event also showcases numerous training demonstrations and photography talks and courses on most photographic subjects.

It is important to visit this kind of event whcich enables photographers to keep up to date with trends and changes in the industry

Shown above are just some of the free events that are on offer during the 3 days. I visited 2 of these free demonstrations/courses during the day and picked up a lot of new knowledge,tips and tricks which has helped me gain a better understanding of these subjects

Shown below here was a class on using printed back grounds which produced some really outstanding
results. The backgrounds are printed onto a fabric canvas and are portable and easy to transport. These are great for setting up a realistic mockup of a buildings,walls,landscapes etc and can be used anywhere
in your home,studio,spare bedroom etc and all give very realistic results

This class demonstrated the technique called"Noir blanc" which is basically just one light source,recorded in black and white and in this case using just 1 studio flash

These were the end results using just one 100 watt studio light, the image above shows Kenneth Martin demonstrating the technique's he uses to produce the photography below

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