Monday 21 January 2013

Winter in the Peaks

Last Saturday a friend of mine and I ventured out into the peaks to capture the essence of Winter on camera.We set out early in the morning to capture an early morning sunrise
We had planned to go up their on numerous occations when it had snowed but we have never had access to a 4 X 4 in the past which is essential in these kind of conditions.
This time we had a Land Rover Discovery at our dispossal which enabled us to drive in really trecherous conditions and to visit some of the highest points in the peaks 

It essential to comepnsate with your camera metering as readings taken in bright white snowy conditions give under exposures which result in in grey and under exposed images
A camera sees everything as 17% grey and sees bright white snow as a very bright exposure and so under exposes the shot to compensate,this can normally be remidied by
over exposing to bring the shot back to a normal exposure
I use a Canon 5D3 and to remedy the under exposure of the metering I compensate by over exposing by 1 and 1/2 stops which brings back the true exposure

Some of the shots above are a lttle blurred due to the wind movment while using a long zoom in extreme weather conditions

I was uing mainly a 70-200 mm L Series F4 zoom lens for alot of these shots but even with IS and USM some of the shots were a little blurred. This was due to a very high wind which was a challenge even at quite high shutter speeds

Shown in these two shots which demonstartes the grey effect of the camera underexposing the metering

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