Thursday 27 June 2013

Wedding shoot 1

Over the last month I have been out on location shooting shooting various weddings. I have completed two weddings recently one on my own and the second one which I was the second photographer.

Detailed below are some accounts of the day's photography,planning,techniques and equipment used.

I was commissioned by a colleague of mine to be the second photographer at one of the weddings he was shooting recently.We met a few weeks previously to pre plan the shoot and discuss all of the  business side of things.I was paid an agreed fee for this work and wasn't paid by the hour

We me up a second time at the actual location of the wedding to get ourselves accustomed with the venue and to plan out shooting strategies and to check on lighting and exposures

I was given the brief  for the day by my colleague shown here below which listed all of the shooting requirements for the day 

These were the costs I incurred for the day's photography

Petrol costs                                        £10.00
Batteries for flash photography       £  5.00
Meals and drinks at the location     £14.00

I arrived at the wedding location a local golf club and hotel at 11am with all of my equipment ready for the day. I was using 2  cameras  on the day a Canon 5D3 and a Canon 7D I was given a client brief of what I was to photograph on the day by my colleague the main photographer

It is very important to have two cameras at the ready to record images on the day as you cannot allow for mistakes on an occasion like this. A backup camera is essential because if you loose all images on one camera at least you will have some images of the day on the other camera to use as a back up

I particularly used a Canon 5D for most of the closeup portrait shots as this is a full frame format camera which produces really fine detail on its images.This allows for large print enlargements or close crops of the photo to be made with out without hardly any noise evident. Using a full frame censor allowed more light into the camera which enabled me to shoot at lower light levels as opposed to using my other Canon 7D camera which is a CSC crop sensor

My brief was to photograph the groom and the best man as they arrived at the golf course as my colleage would be phtographing the bride getting ready at her own house. I phtographed the pair in a variety of different poses and locations

My brief also needed me to capture the happy couple coming back down the isle out of the reception once they were married and to capture the spirit and emotion of their happy faces

For both weddings I used the software "Photoshop and Bridge" to post process my images

I used Photoshop to manipulate,crop,resizemy images which are are enhanced using these techniques.
I used a vignette on some of the images which gives a slightly dated kind of feel to my images this technique works really well on monochrome images. Other techniques include adding more noise using the noise filters which are built into photoshop. I also use a soft sharpen type of technique using different layers in photoshop which creates a nice soft focus

I use bridge for a variety of reasons and this software has a multitude of different uses. This software's main purpose is a file management  viewer which allows you to catalogue sort batch and batch process images. It is a very useful piece of software. Bridge is actually built into Photoshop so you are getting two pieces of software for the price of one

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